Monday, September 8, 2014

What you need to ask before you buy.

At the time of final negotiations, run down this list before completing the transaction:

  • Confirm pricing to be certain all software costs, licenses, installation, training and any other miscellaneous fees are included.
  • Ask for a concrete schedule for installation and implementation - don’t compromise on the delivery!
  • Request details about who the vendor will be assigning to your project. Insist on qualified and experienced software consultants who have the capacity to see your project through to completion.
  • Confirm that the vendor will work hand-in hand with external consultants. Having 3rd party oversight can expedite implementation and ensure a smooth transition.

Organizations need to understand that a new system is not a silver bullet, but it is a critical piece of infrastructure supporting your business. With careful planning and due diligence, you will find a system that fits your business objectives, allows for flexibility and meet your strategic goals to fuel your growth.

Join us next week as we start a NEW series

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